Get Involved

Phoenix Ostomy Support Groups was formed to provide ostomy support, education, and community.

Because we are a nonprofit, your participation supports our members and community at large. Our support groups exist because of your involvement with the Phoenix Ostomy Support Groups and the community it serves.

Here are some ways you can participate in the ostomy community:

Upcoming Events

Share Your Story and Help Others

Did you know that sharing your story helps others? Remember when you were facing an ostomy and had so many questions? The doctors and nurses gave you plenty of helpful technical information, but you also wanted  to hear from fellow ostomates who had already come through the surgery and recovery.

Ways you can help:

  • Share your story at a local WOCN event.
  • Become a certified ostomy visitor.
  • Post about the ostomy lifestyle on social media.
  • Share key links with others.

Call 602-678-4441 for more information and schedules.

Giving – We are a 501(c)(3) and your gifts are tax deductible, as allowed by law.

  • Become a Member
  • Time
  • Supplies
  • Contributions
  • Legacy gifts

We are truly grateful for the time and effort our current volunteers give to the ostomy groups and the community they serve. Also, our sincere thanks to those who donate so generously.

We believe that little things mean a lot. Any combination of time or funds helps to ensure that our group meetings are a great place for us to support, empower, and advocate for fellow ostomates. Even if it is giving an hour of your time periodically or a small monetary gift, this is how you can make a difference.

If you are interested in helping ostomates, we would appreciate what you can offer. Please call or email one of us (board member or group leader) and let us know how you’d like to help.

Debbie, Marie, Evon, Kerrie, and Mike

We Need You!